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Oxnard Union High School District urges parents to make sure their children attend school regularly and to schedule medical and other appointments after school or during school holidays. The district also asks that travel or other absences be avoided during the time school is in session. The higher the district’s daily attendance rate, the more a student will learn and the greater the amount of funding that the district will receive from the state for classroom instruction and academic programs. The school calendar is designed to minimize problems for families which plan vacations around traditional holiday periods, and thereby minimize student absences. 

  • Following an absence, a student is required to bring a written excuse from home when returning to school. 
  • Illnesses, and doctor and dental appointments are considered excused absences. 
  • Absences without a written excuse are recorded as unexcused. 



Children should be encouraged to be prompt as part of developing good habits. They are expected to be at school on time. If a child is late, the child should bring an excuse from home to the school office. Repeated tardies in excess of 30 minutes lead to the student being designated as truant. Truancy Definitions EC §48260, EC §48262 and EC §48263.6 

What is a tardy?

In-School Tardiness: Students are considered tardy when they are not in the proper class with all materials necessary for that class period at the time the class is scheduled to start.

A student is considered truant after three absences or three tardies of more than 30 minutes each time or any combination thereof and the absences or tardies are unexcused. After a student has been reported as a truant three or more times in a school year and the district has made a conscientious effort to meet with the family, the student is considered a habitual truant. A student who is absent from school without a valid excuse for 10% or more of the schooldays in one school year, from the date of enrollment to the current date, is considered a chronic truant. Unexcused absences are all absences that do not fall within EC §48205. The text of EC §48205 is provided in the next section, “Excused Absences”
Compulsory Education Law requires that students attend FULL days every day. Losing 30 minutes or more of instructional time is also considered a truancy if it does not fall within Ed Code 48205 .

Make sure that you send your student to school on the day of an appointment with a doctor’s note to excuse the absence. 


Attendance Protocols


Students will be marked tardy based on the following:

Students are considered tardy when they are not in the proper class with all materials necessary for that class period at the time the class is scheduled to start.
Losing 30 minutes or more of instructional time is also considered a truancy if it does not fall within Ed Code 48205 .

More than 30 min Tardies:

Students that come in tardy more than 30minutes must check in with Attendance Clerk first.  


Students will be marked absent if they are more than 30 minutes tardy.

Compulsory Education Law requires that students attend FULL days every day. Losing 30 minutes or more of instructional time is also considered a truancy if it does not fall within Ed Code 48205 .


Excused Absences or Tardies

All students that have an excuse note from a parent/guardian or doctor:

  • Students must check in the office first and meet with Attendance Clerk ( Ms. Sandoval)
  • Attendance Clerk will collect the student note and will provide the student with an excuse to bring to the corresponding teacher.
  • Attendance Clerk will mark the student excused tardy or excused absence.


To resolve attendance issues, please contact:

Lissette Sandoval

