2021-2022 School Safety Plan
Covid-19 Information
At our schools fully vaccinated staff may remove face coverings when students are not present indoors and after students leave for the day. Unvaccinated employees must continue to wear face coverings indoors.
At our District Office facilities that are separate from a school site, fully vaccinated staff and adults are not required to wear face coverings unless K-12 students are present. Unvaccinated employees at these facilities must wear face coverings indoors.
Outdoors at school sites, masks are strongly recommended.
We have been informed that additional changes to mask guidance for our schools will be delivered to us through the California Department of Public Health and Ventura County Public Health on Monday February 28th.
Types of Face Coverings
- CDPH highly recommends surgical masks, KN95 masks, KF94 masks and/or N95 filtering face masks with a good fit.
- Cal/OSHA also allows tightly woven fabric or non-woven material of at least two layers (i.e., fabrics that do not let light pass through when held up to a light source).
- If gaiters are worn, they shall have two layers of fabric or be folded to make two layers.
The definition of Fully Vaccinated has changed:
Fully Vaccinated is being transitioned to the term Up to date and refers to someone who has received their initial full vaccination and their booster or someone who is fully vaccinated and not yet eligible for their booster.
Vaccinated & Booster Eligible is being transitioned to the term Completed Primary Series which refers to someone who is eligible for a booster and has not yet received it.
Vaccinated & Not Booster Eligible refers to someone who is fully vaccinated. However, Boosters cannot be given for 6 months following the Pfizer and Moderna shots and for 2 months following the J&J single shot. Persons in this category are considered fully vaccinated until they are eligible for the booster shot.
Not Vaccinated refers to someone who has not had any vaccinations or has had the first Pfizer or Moderna shot and not the second.
Vaccinations are recommended, including booster shots for those already vaccinated, to stop the spread of COVID-19.
To comply with state and local public health mandates, employees, walk-on coaches, and regular on campus volunteers in Oxnard Union High School must show proof of vaccination to Human Resources or show proof of a negative COVID test weekly.
There are no vaccine or COVID test mandates for students in Oxnard Union to attend school at this time.
Student Athletes in indoor sports are required to take a COVID test weekly.
We will be offering free PCR testing to all of our students on campus. The testing is conducted in the Main Office.
For your test to be processed, you will need the following:
- Completed Patient Test Request form
- Photocopy of your ID
- Insurance card
We will have testing available every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. for OMC students and staff only.